How Care Management in Carlsbad Can Help

Is Care Management in Carlsbad Right For Us?

Can Your Family Benefit from Care Management in Carlsbad?

The transition from independent to dependent is one of the most difficult times of an elderly person’s life. It is just as difficult for the family, however, which shoulders most of the burden of care. Unfortunately, finding outside help with this care is often one of the last options that come to family members’ minds. Care management in Carlsbad can help families give care more efficiently long before they get to the end of their rope.

How Care Managers in San Diego County Can Help

One reason many families don’t think of seeking outside help in caring for loved ones may be that it has not been common in previous generations. Care Managers in San Diego County are a relatively new breed, but they are quickly gaining recognition as more and more retirees need care. It may take a generation or two for people to get used to the idea of professional care managers being involved on a regular basis, but the help is available right now.

When Is It Time to Find a Care Manager?

There’s no complex formula for evaluating whether your family needs a care manager. Just ask yourself one simple question: Is it becoming too strenuous for your family to provide all the needs of your aging loved one? If so, a care manager can definitely make a difference. That may be as simple as giving advice and coordinating a ride to the doctor’s office on occasion, or as major as finding a trustworthy long-term care facility for your parents.

What Care Managers Do

The job description for geriatric care managers is very long and very general. That’s because aging is such a complex process, and care managers are equipped to help family members successfully meet every challenge that that process presents. However unique you might feel your situation is, chances are good that your care manager has seen similar cases before! Don’t wait until things seem completely out of hand before considering a care manager—hire one now and prepare for an easy transition.


Originally posted 2013-03-05 10:30:08.

Tim Colling
Tim Colling

Tim Colling is the founder and President of A Servant's Heart In-Home Care, which provided in-home caregiving services in San Diego County, and also of A Servant's Heart Geriatric Care Management, which provided
professional geriatric care management services and long term care placement services in San Diego County. Tim has more than 30 years of experience in management in a variety of industries. He held a Certified Care Manager credential from the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. Tim is also a Certified Public Accountant (retired), and received his Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from California State University at San Diego. In addition to writing blog posts here for the Servant’s Heart blog, Tim also is a regular contributor to and to as well as blogs of other eldercare services provider companies. Finally, Tim is also the president of A Servant's Heart Web Design and Marketing, which provides home care marketing as well as website design and online marketing for those who serve the elderly and their families.

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