In-home Caregivers in San Marcos: The Importance of Ongoing Evaluation

In-Home Caregivers in San Marcos Should Have Ongoing Evaluation By Supervisors It goes without saying that people change from year to year, and their needs change as well. With seniors, these changes are often dramatic and they require quick adjustment on the part of caregivers to continue providing the level…

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Home Health Care in Oceanside – Preventing Dehydration in the Elderly

Preventing Dehydration in The Elderly In Oceanside And Elsewhere Dehydration in the elderly can be a significant problem.  Many times it is the unrecognized cause of hospitalizations, sickness and death. Dehydration is also sometimes linked to infections that can be fatal. It becomes an even bigger problem during the heat…

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Caregivers in Oceanside: Statins Can Increase Fatigue

Cholesterol Control vs. Increased Fatigue: A Difficult Choice for Seniors and Their Families Simvastatin and pravastatin are two very popular cholesterol-lowering drugs, used by many people to combat their risk for heart trouble. But a new study strongly suggests that one side effect, previously little known, might do more harm…

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When Caregivers in Vista are Children

While it is still a difficult task, we have generally grown accustomed to the fact of the “sandwich generation.” Adults who care for both their own children and their elderly parents are quite common across the country. But more often than most people realize, caregivers in Vista and other areas…

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