News From A Servant’s Heart Care Solutions – 7/27/10

Here are summaries and links to the latest articles and blog posts from our website at A Servant’s Heart Care Solutions.  Enjoy!

Companion Care Makes Difficult Decisions Easier

Older Drivers May Be At RiskNo one wants to see an elderly relative lose his or her independence. But unfortunately, there comes a time when everyone has to face reality. Failing eyesight, slower reflexes, and the effects of some medications can mean it’s no longer safe for your loved one to be on the road. Initiating the discussion, though, can be tough.  Having companion care in place can help ease the transition for everyone…

Cool Technology Offers Alternatives to Senior In-Home Care

Voxcom III Identification System for the Visually ImpairedTiny print on prescription bottles, unreadable text on a spice jar, or even plastic tubes bearing two very different substances that happen to look alike are all potential problems for an aging relative with failing eyesight. Of course, substituting cinnamon for ground cloves or burn ointment for toothpaste may end up being just a funny story to tell the grandkids, but taking the wrong medication can have serious consequences. For a visually impaired senior, in-home care with a personal attendant might seem the only option. That’s why the Voxcom III Identification System is such a cool tool…

Other Voices: Aging-In-Place Design Checklist

Aging in Place Requires Planning and Checklists to Reduce Risks for Seniors Living at HomeOver at they have a great checklist to check for senior safety issues in home and other buildings.  You can use it  for new construction projects as well as for assessing existing homes and building.  They include some things that are obvious (“Main living on a single story, including full bath”) as well as some clever things that you might overlook without the list (“Surface to place packages on when opening door”).   See the whole list at  Aging-In-Place Design Checklist

In-Home Care for Seniors Helps Reduce Risk Of Dangerous Conditions

In-home caregivers can help maintain senior health.It’s summertime, and the living is easy. That is, except in warm climates where dehydration is a real concern. As we age, declining kidney function and our inability to recognize thirst both contribute to increased risk of dehydration. Not only that, but those who have a difficult time getting around are a lot less likely to get up for a glass of water, even if they do feel thirsty. Without someone to provide in-home care for seniors and to watch them for the symptoms of dehydration, the most vulnerable members of your family might be at risk…

Senior Helpers Make Aftercare Easier for Everyone

Senior Helpers Assure Complete RecoveryHere’s a scary statistic. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last year, one in five Medicare patients will return to the hospital within 30 days of discharge. It’s not surprising when you think about it. Patients leave the hospital with confusing aftercare instructions regarding additional medications, and the possibility of frightening complications. For the elderly, it can be quite overwhelming. Luckily, senior helpers can relieve some of the burden – not only for your loved one, but for you as well.

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Originally posted 2010-07-30 07:32:46.

Tim Colling
Tim Colling

Tim Colling is the founder and President of A Servant's Heart In-Home Care, which provided in-home caregiving services in San Diego County, and also of A Servant's Heart Geriatric Care Management, which provided
professional geriatric care management services and long term care placement services in San Diego County. Tim has more than 30 years of experience in management in a variety of industries. He held a Certified Care Manager credential from the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. Tim is also a Certified Public Accountant (retired), and received his Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from California State University at San Diego. In addition to writing blog posts here for the Servant’s Heart blog, Tim also is a regular contributor to and to as well as blogs of other eldercare services provider companies. Finally, Tim is also the president of A Servant's Heart Web Design and Marketing, which provides home care marketing as well as website design and online marketing for those who serve the elderly and their families.

Articles: 557
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